NET Goes To Campus Universitas Budi Luhur


Jakarta – Kamis, 25 April 2024 Universitas Budi Luhur menyelenggarakan event NET Goes To Campus with PLN Mobile yang bertempatan di Auditorium Grha Mahardika Bujana. Terdapat Sharing Session yang bertemakan “Dampak Transformasi Digital di Dunia Industri”. Dalam sharing session ini menghadirkan pembicara Adhi Bekti Bimantara sebagai Deputy Assistant Vice President Digital NET dan M. Ryan Agung Putra sebagai Manager Penjualan dan PLN Mobile. Tentunya akan banyak sekali pembelajaran yang kita dapat dari para pembicara yang memiliki banyak pengalaman.

Selain menyelenggarakan Sharing Session, dalam waktu yang bersamaan terdapat beberapa stand yang dapat dikunjungi oleh masyarakat umum khususnya mahasiswa Universitas Budi Luhur. Stand yang tersedia berasal dari PLM Mobile Booth, News Reporter Audition Corner dan NET Internship Corner. Event ini juga mengajak kamu menchallenge diri untuk tampil sebagai broadcaster. Terdapat keseruan menarik lainnya juga seperti Instagram Stories Challenge yang bisa kamu ikutin dan jika beruntung bisa mendapatkan hadiah jutaan rupiah! Event NET Goes To Campus ini bertujuan sebagai networking untuk para mahasiswa Universitas Budi Luhur. Untuk kamu yang kemarin mengikuti event ini, kamu menjadi salah satu mahasiswa yang membawa pulang hadiah menariknya gak nih?

2 thoughts on “NET Goes To Campus Universitas Budi Luhur

  1. As far as I'm concerned, Arkansas' advancement in the direction of digital education is a significant leap toward altering teaching approaches that extend beyond the classic four-walled classroom setting.

    Internet-based learning meets the diverse necessities of diverse students, preserves valuable time by removing the need to commute, and serves those who have responsibilities outside of school.

    It's not just about mere convenience, it's also about inclusivity, as it's a great alternative for students with conditions that complicate their ability to attend school in person.

    Additionally, it not only develops intellectual capacity and also fosters digital literacy as well as tech-related abilities in students.

    Though it certainly does come with its difficulties, they can be handled with well-maintained discipline, efficient time utilization, and a devoted pursuit of knowledge.

    In a world where digital technology is influencing almost every aspect of our lives, embracing virtual schooling is a method to prepare our kids for forthcoming times.

    To conclude, I prompt everyone to research more about internet-based education alternatives that could be found in Arkansas.

    With the right tools with a suitable attitude, our young ones can do well in any environment, whether physical or virtual.

    Let's empower the minds of our youth by welcoming the shift in education.

    Learn more about this—that's the direction in which our future is moving.

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